AD3055T2H015 ZX12G7G6 4GB monolith USB flash data recovery solution added:
AD3055T2H015 ZX12G7G6 4GB monolith USB flash data recovery solution added:
4OM3SB06T 4G USB monolith Flash drive
Controller: SM3255EN AA
Flash ID:0xECD798CE
for more details please visit
0x98de9493 7657 Toshiba MLC
0x8988244B A984 Intel MLC
The characteristic of ‘ Toggle DDR infterface is to transfer data in both the rising edge of the clock and in the descent, halving the time required to perform a memory cycle compared to the interface SDR (base). Tohiba and Samsung have started producing NAND flash memory based on the version 1.0 interface Toggle DDR in 2010, enabling it to reach a speed of 66Mbps and 133Mbps in memories SLC MLC.
The latest version, toggle DDR 2.0, further doubles the interface speed up to 400 Mbps (approximately twice the bandwidth guaranteed interface ONFI 2.1 competitor, and equal to the interface bandwidth ONFI 3.0, announced in March, but which has not yet been implemented in any commercial solution).